Instructions / Assembly

Reclose addit ion point and reopen ci rcuit valvin g. Let product remai n in boiler for ent ire season .

Check boiler drain -off val ve for removal of sludge or scale . Oily, Surging or Rusty Systems: 1) Turn off heating unit . Close off zoning as de scribed ab ove. Pour f irst dose (See Q uantity Table) into top open ing (valve or plug ). Fill w ith water to operat ing level. Replace valve or plug on top of boiler w ith an elbow with a pi ece of rubber hose att ached. Place end of hose in meta l receptacle. 2) Fire boiler and rai se wat er level until st eam and/or water flush oil a nd floating contamina nts away through hose . When water runs cl ear, shut off wat er and heat source and remove h ose. BE C AREFUL OF ESCA PING HOT WATE R AND STEAM. 3) Drain boiler w ater, if necessary, to operat ing level. Add second dose of Boiler & Heating System Cleaner . Replace elb ow and hose w ith original val ve or plug. Reopen circuit valving. Fire boil er to normal pressure and all ow to operate one w eek. 4) After a week , cut off heat and let boiler cool; ope n bott om drain -off valve a nd drain t o remove heavy sedi ment. 5) Clean all drain -cocks, gauges , gauge glasses , valves and repl ace. 6) Refill boiler. Add another dose of Boiler & Heating System Cl eaner an d allow to remain in Dirty Hot Water Heating Boilers and Systems: 1) Turn off heat, drain boiler and ent ire system. Open all air ven ts. Pour Boiler & Heating System Cleaner (See Quan tity Table) into boil er through suitabl e opening. Remove reli ef valve if necessar y.

2) Replace relief valve , close vent s, fill system with w ater. Vent ea ch radiator until all air is