Forestry handbook second edition pdf

Forestry Handbook

Appalachia boasts some of the most diverse temperate rainforest in the world. The rich hardwood and evergreen canopies shelter a large population of migrating and resident birds, numerous mammals, and hundreds of rare plant and insect species. The true native forests are often threatened, however, by clearcutting, urban expansion and mountaintop removal coal mining. Stewardship by landowners is essential to retain a vital Appalachian forest eco-system for the future.

FREE Managing Your Woodlands Handbook PDF

Appalachian Voices offers a free PDF that serves as a manual for private forest landowners who would like to learn about methods for managing and maintaining a healthy forest. Organizations that promote the importance of sustainable forestry in our region will find the manual to be an excellent educational tool.

The second edition of Managing Your Woodlands shares information on forest management plans, working with foresters and loggers, management options and techniques, forest ecology, forest health problems, economic considerations, and financial incentive programs for good management. The resource section connects landowners with people, organizations and other information that will assist you when making decisions about your forest management.


Companion DVD

The companion DVD, Landowner’s Guide to Sustainable Forestry: Maximizing Profits While Protecting Water Quality, is a documentary film by the Model Forest Policy Program. A guide for landowners, consulting foresters, citizen groups, watershed organizations, and community leaders, this DVD allows the viewer to see real life examples of sustainable forestry and water quality protection.

The film features foresters and landowners from around the country, but focuses on landowners from Missouri, Virginia, Tennessee and North Carolina. The DVD includes 3 versions: TV-length: 28 min. 46 sec. (with emphasis on water quality), a Standard Presentation: 22 min. 45 sec., and a Promotional Presentation: 1 min. 31 sec.

To request a copy of the companion DVD, please contact

If you are interested in making a long-term investment in your forest, protecting its health and beauty, producing high quality goods for the local economy, preserving wildlife habitat and water quality, or just leaving the gift of a healthy and valuable forest to our future generations, then please contact us!