Creating Safe and Appropriate Diapering, Toileting, and Hand Washing Areas in Child Care

Diapering, toileting, and hand washing are important routines in child care, and those areas of the child care classroom are important parts of children’s experience in child care. With thoughtful planning, child care providers can set up an area to handle these important caregiving routines while also significantly reducing the spread of germs and disease.

Diapering table in infant room

The Diapering Area

Diapering is a regular, everyday occurrence in infant and toddler classrooms. It is important to set up a diapering area that is safe and comfortable for young children and that also reduces the risk of spreading germs. The diapering area in a child care program should be:

A properly arranged diapering area helps reduce the spread of germs and makes the child feel safe and comfortable at the same time. For more information and tips, see Tips to Prevent Spreading Germs during Diapering and 10 Steps to Change a Diaper in a Child Care Setting.

Child-sized toilets

The Toileting Area

Learning to use the toilet is an important self-care routine for young children. The toileting area is an important part of the classroom, especially when children are going through the toilet learning process. There are several different options for toilet areas in a child care setting. All can be equally successful if used and cleaned properly. The options include the following:

No matter which type of toilet area is part of your classroom, child care providers play important roles as young children learn to use the toilet. Child care providers should encourage children to use the toilet as independently as they are ready to, help with toileting as needed, and supervise children to ensure that they are following the rules. Bathrooms have many potential safety hazards, and children are at risk of injury if not properly supervised in the bathroom. For more information, check out the article on Bathroom Safety in Child Care.

Learning to use the toilet is an important developmental task for toddlers and young preschoolers. Child care providers can support toilet learning by watching for signs of readiness, planning the toilet learning process with parents, and helping children practice this important skill. For more information on toilet learning, see Helping Children with Toilet Learning in Child Care and Signs of Toilet Learning Readiness in Child Care.

Girl washing her hands

The Hand Washing Area

Washing your hands is one of the easiest and best ways to prevent the spread of germs and disease. An effective, easy-to-use hand washing area can make hand washing simpler. Here are some issues to consider when planning the hand washing area in a child care setting:

For tips on how to appropriately wash your hands while modeling proper hand washing for children, check out the following articles: