Four Directions Community Health Centre

Four Directions Community Health Centre

To view the current wait times, please check the box below to indicate that you have read and understood the frequently asked questions.

Yes, I have read and understand the frequently asked questions.

For life-threatening emergencies please call 911 or go directly to your nearest emergency department.

This is the estimated time to see a doctor from check in. For life-threatening emergencies please call 911 or go directly to your nearest emergency department.

Contact This Facility

1504 Albert Street
Regina, SK, S4P 2S4

About This Facility

Four Directions Community Health Center provides services to residents living in Central Regina. The collaborative teams provide client-centered, trauma-informed care to all who access the many services we provide.


50.4547751953, -104.618661663

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who goes first and how is urgency of a patient’s need determined?

The first thing that happens when you arrive in the emergency department is triage. Triage sorts patients according to the urgency of their need for care. Those with the most immediate need will be seen first.

People who have the most urgent need – for example, those involved in a vehicle collision, whose hearts have stopped beating, or at risk of dying – are seen first.

Second to be seen are the very urgent cases – examples include those with chest pain, trouble breathing, or with large broken bones.

Third are the urgent cases – including those with asthma attacks, stomach pains or high fever, etc.

Less urgent are those, for example, who need stitches, have smaller broken bones, or a sore ear, eye or throat.

Not urgent are those who need stitches removed, or who need a prescription renewal.

If you feel your condition, mental or physical, or the condition of your loved one, has worsened since you arrived, please inform a triage nurse.

2. My doctor instructed me to go to emergency for a procedure or test. Why do I have to wait?

Sometimes, patients come into the emergency department with the understanding that they have an appointment through their doctor. You cannot make an appointment in the emergency department. Unlike a walk-in clinic, you are not seen in order of arrival, but based on the urgency of your need.