Sending a Letter of No Trespass

If simply posting “No Trespassing” signs has done little to stop someone from illegally trespassing on your property—stealing your rhubarb or using your lake to fish, for instance—sending a “no trespassing” letter is the next course of action. A no trespassing letter, sometimes called a “Letter of No Trespass” or “Notice of No Trespass,” is useful in a number of ways. It can threaten legal action, which is often enough to avoid actually having to take any costly legal measures, and if the situation does escalate, you’ll have proof that you officially notified the culprit of his or her illegal activity. Plus, there’s always the possibility that the violators did not know they were trespassing. A strongly-worded letter is sure to put an end to that.


Before you begin drafting a letter, check with your local law enforcement agency to see if they have an official template you can use. If you want to write your own, a good “no trespassing” letter should:

a) Tell the recipient that they are forbidden from entering or remaining on your property.
b) Give the address of the property and company name (if applicable).
c) Tell the recipient how long they must refrain from entering or remaining on your property. (You can also tell them that they aren’t allowed back until you rescind the letter in writing.)
d) Warn the recipient that you reserve the right to take legal action against them if they do not refrain from entering or remaining on your property, including pressing charges.
e) Be signed and dated by someone with authority to represent the landholder. This could be yourself, if you are the landholder, a business manager, or a company employee.

Send the letter by certified mail, and send a copy to your local police department. Certified mail is important, because it gives you proof that a letter was sent and that a letter was received.

Below is a sample Letter of No Trespass

500 Main Street
Anytown, USA 00000

January 1, 2010

John Appleseed

1234 High Street

Anytown, USA 00000

Dear Mr. Appleseed:

This letter is formal notice that you are forbidden from entering or remaining on the Acme Co. property located at 999 Blackacre Road, Anytown, USA 00000. If you attempt to enter or remain on that property, you may be subject to legal action, including arrest and criminal trespassing charges.

This notice is effective immediately, and will remain in effect [permanently / until a particular date]. A copy of this letter has been provided to law enforcement.


Richard Roe
CEO, Acme Co.
Cc: Anytown Police Department