Regulation 16: Receiving and acting on complaints

Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014: Regulation 16

The intention of this regulation is to make sure that people can make a complaint about their care and treatment. To meet this regulation providers must have an effective and accessible system for identifying, receiving, handling and responding to complaints from people using the service, people acting on their behalf or other stakeholders. All complaints must be investigated thoroughly and any necessary action taken where failures have been identified.

When requested to do so, providers must provide CQC with a summary of complaints, responses and other related correspondence or information.

CQC can prosecute providers for a breach of the part of this regulation that relates to the provision of information to CQC about a complaint within 28 days when requested to do so. CQC can move directly to prosecution without first serving a Warning Notice. In addition, CQC may take any other regulatory action in response to breaches of this regulation. See the offences section for more detail.

CQC must refuse registration if providers cannot satisfy us that they can and will continue to comply with this regulation.

The regulation in full

  1. Any complaint received must be investigated and necessary and proportionate action must be taken in response to any failure identified by the complaint or investigation.
  2. The registered person must establish and operate effectively an accessible system for identifying, receiving, recording, handling and responding to complaints by service users and other persons in relation to the carrying on of the regulated activity.
  3. The registered person must provide to the Commission, when requested to do so and by no later than 28 days beginning on the day after receipt of the request, a summary of
    1. complaints made under such complaints system,
    2. responses made by the registered person to such complaints and any further correspondence with the complainants in relation to such complaints, and
    3. any other relevant information in relation to such complaints as the Commission may request.


    This sets out the guidance providers must have regard to against the relevant component of the regulation.

    16(1) Any complaint received must be investigated and necessary and proportionate action must be taken in response to any failure identified by the complaint or investigation.

    Guidance on 16(1)

    16(2) The registered person must establish and operate effectively an accessible system for identifying, receiving, recording, handling and responding to complaints by service users and other persons in relation to the carrying on of the regulated activity.

    Guidance on 16(2)