Physical Science 101

Taking a course in Physical Science helps a student achieve all of the following general education goals. How this occurs is explained below.

Students will keep a homework notebook. Students will write short essays after viewing films about volcanoes, caves, floods, hurricanes and other appropriate subjects. Students will keep a cloud journal.

Students will learn to collect data in the laboratory, create graphs, compare qualitative and quantitative data and draw conclusions about the data obtained.

The Scientific Method is predicated upon deductive and inductive logical reasoning. Students will study applications of the scientific method to information gathered by the scientific community. Students will use the scientific method during laboratory activities.

Students use computers, digital imaging devices, media, the Internet, podcasts, all in the pursuit of scientific knowledge.

This very serious goal is addressed on many levels in the physical science course, from the discussion of the factors that brought about the destruction of New Orleans during hurricane Katrina to the problems with disappearing groundwater. Many references are made to the connection between geology, meteorology and astronomy to social and ethical responsibility.

Organizational skills are improved in this general education course. Scientific literacy is developed.

Students are given independent projects to complete in the course. They are also given questions to research independently. Reporting these results to the class develops their ability to speak confidently to their peers.

By discussing the way that physical science is connected to other occupations and careers we develop student awareness about their career choice and its dependencies on a basic understanding of the general science.

Physical Science and Engineering Departmental Learning Outcomes

Upon graduation with an Associate degree from Truman College a student should be able to:

Student Learning Outcomes for Physical Science 101

At the completion of this course the successful student will be able to do the following:

Course Objectives for Physical Science 101

At the completion of this course the successful student will be able to do the following:

In Geology:

In Oceanography:

In Meteorology:

In Astronomy:

Course Objectives and Student Learning Outcomes as stated in the Master Syllabus for Wright College PS 101

Course Objectives:

The primary goals of Physical Science 101:

  1. The student will demonstrate literacy using concepts in physical science in the context of experience outside the classroom.
  2. The student will solve problems in physical science with gathering of experimental data.
  3. The student will demonstrate competency of individual chapters covered in this course.
  4. The student shows ability to compete independent study on course topics.
  5. The student understands what career opportunities are available in geology, meteorology, and astronomy.
  6. Student can effectively use terms, think critically, and solve problems.
  7. Student acquires motor and thinking skills necessary to working directly with the physical environment.

Student Learning Outcomes Covered on the Departmental Final Exam (Wright College):

The student should be able to:

  1. Distinguish between a rock and a mineral.
  2. Match methods of rock formation (sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous) with names of very common rocks.
  3. Identify river stages including valley shapes, depositional features, etc.
  4. Identify major ground water features and terms including aquifer, cave, stalactite, stalagmite, water table, etc.
  5. Identify and compare various glacier depositional features including glacier till, moraines, drumlins, etc.
  6. Relate the three earthquake waves (primary, secondary, surface waves) to the identification and location of earthquakes.
  7. Describe the use and function of a seismograph and the Richter scale.
  8. Identify different types of plate tectonic boundaries and give examples
  9. Contrast three different types of volcanoes (cinder cone, composite cone, shield volcano) and identify igneous intrusive features including sills, dikes, batholiths, etc.
  10. Compare various methods used to date the earth including absolute dating, relative dating, law of superposition, radiometric dating, etc.
  11. Identify layers of the earth's atmosphere.
  12. Draw relationships of the geometry of the earth's motion to its effect on seasonal changes.
  13. Identify and describe concepts relevant to earth's weather and climate including phase change, evaporation, condensation, relative humidity, etc.
  14. Identify various cloud types including cirrus, cumulus, stratus, cumulonimbus, etc.
  15. Identify and compare various meteorological instruments including mercurial barometer, aneroid barometer, cup anemometer, etc.
  16. Describe the geometry of the earth's motion and its effect on astronomical observation including such terms as rotation, revolution, ecliptic, celestial equator, sidereal day, declination, right ascension, etc.
  17. Identify terms associated with the moon's motion including syndic month, solar eclipse, lunar eclipse, etc.
  18. Compare methods of receiving and using extraterrestrial incoming light, for example, absorption spectra, Doppler effect, etc.
  19. Contrast the terms: meteor, meteoroid, meteorite, asteroid, and comet.
  20. Compare methods of measuring astronomical distance including light year, par sec, apparent magnitude, absolute magnitude as well as describe major star classes in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram.
  21. Describe the Big Bang Theory and the concept of an expanding universe.